Wow! Look what I saw today. A Cattle Drive. No, cows don't drive. A cattle drive is when cowboys on horsback "drive" or move a large number of cattle across the wide open spaces. In 1866 this was a common sight but today February 23, 2013, to this East Coast girl was a sight for sore eyes.
The cowboy is a character of movies, legends, tall tales and love stories. The image makes a man, puff out his chest with pride and get a little swag in his step. The sight can make a woman swoon and cause her knees to bend. The American West is still quite enchanting, even if the view is from a 2004 Chevy pickup.
Look, new babies can be seen everywhere. Just a few weeks ago, he wasn't even in the world. Now, here he is and momma is keeping him close.
Vagabondlady063 Out!!!
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Vagabondlady063 Out!!!