There's nothing to do. What are we going to do? There's no TV. There's no computer. I can't get a signal AWWWW! People, you need a back-up plan. Kids might think that there's nothing to do but, we come from a time when we made our own do. Remember "The President's on every channel." There's plenty to do. This is the perfect opportunity to make lemonade
That book you've been trying to read or going through family memories, but could not give yourself the time. Is there someone who love's stories or just would like to spend a little time with you even if you are reading the newspaper?
Did you hunker down with friends or that someone special? Make the most of it.God has a way of bringing us together or giving us time to reflect when the opportunity lends itself. Remember, it's not what life throws at us, it's how we handle it.
Please be safe Gulf Coasters, unless it's absolutely necessary for you to go out today, enjoy where you are.
Remember to add your email address for on the spot updates whenever I post.
Vagabondlady063 Out!