Gautier Business Association (GBA) has organized a SCAVENGERHUNT.
What is a Scavenger Hunt you ask? Well for all intents purposes for Gautier, itis a list of historical facts and amazing people that have enriched our faircity “Natures Playground.” Forms are available at local small businesses (support local) and online at Gautier Means Business.
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to be the firstindividual or team to complete the list. You must visit the businesseslisted on the sheets between: September4th-18th to get the answers to the questions. The answers must be stamped on the form bythe business to qualify. After your formis filled in, the completed form must be returned to Brass Hanger Cleaners,Burhman Drugs, Delo’s Coffee or Flower Patch Florist by September 18thno later than 6:00 p.m.
There are PRIZES! $250.00 will be awarded to the 3rd Place Winner.
Winners will be announcedat the Gautier Business Association Business Expo on September 20, 2012.
From: 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the American Legion Post1992 3854 Old Spanish Trail in Gautier.
Attend the EXPO there willbe lots of businesses present and lots of door prizes. Come and find out if you are a winner.
So if you are a history buff, looking for something to dowith the family or fancy yourself Sherlock Holmes, grab your Watson and do alittle sleuthing and soak up the culture that is Gautier.
Come play in Natures Playground and find out what happened and is happening in Gautier because: “There’s Always Something To Do.”
Remember to add your email address for on the spot updates whenever I post.
Vagabondlady063 Out!