Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Veterans Day to those who serve and to those who allow their loved ones to keep us all safe.

Inspiration comes from the most unexpected places.  All we have to do; listen.  On this Veterans Day I came across one of the most beautiful stories I have heard in my life.  It’s the story of a WWII Veteran, Harold Van Heuvelen, who 60 years ago, stationed in LA,  wrote one of the most beautiful pieces of music these ears have ever heard.  It’s not just that Colonel Van Heuvelen wrote such an inspiring piece of music, but the circumstances that inspired him to do so.  For me to tell how he did it would not do it justice, I’ll let him tell the story.  What also tugged at my heart strings is the fact that it took 60 years for this music to come to the light of day and that 93 year old Colonel Van Heuvelen lived to hear the United States Army Band perform it in Washington this Veterans Day Weekend. (Watch his face, as he hears his composition being played.)  The way he tells the story, you are there.  God knows when to let things happen, he has his own timetable.  This is Colonel Van Heuvelen's time.  So, without further ado; I bring to you H.J. Van Heuvelen OP. 7 First Symphony.H.J. Van Heuvelen OP. 7 First Symphony

Happy Veterans Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Vagabondlady063 Out!!!